Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Well, while I am still on the subject of family. There is nothing that is as exciting as a new family. I had the honor of photographing the Stasso/O'Neil family and their new baby. Carly is such a cutie. We have follow up shoots scheduled to show the different stages of baby Carly's growth. I'll keep you posted.

This is my first blog entry. I thought I would take a minute to talk about the importance of family, my family in particular. My parents have been married for 44 years and have a good solid marriage. As I watch my parents age.... and myself I suppose, I have become a bit nostalgic. My father, once a mountain of a man, now weighs half of what he once did. My beautiful mother, still beautiful, is getting older, still full of energy, more than me on my best day, older nevertheless. When I went to visit them at Easter I decided that it was time for a family portrait session. I took photos of mom, dad, grandmother, my son and myself but the photo of my mom and dad is one of the loveliest photos I have ever seen of the two of them together. I can't stress enough the importance of documenting your family. You never know what the future holds and before you know it, you're old and your parents are even older.